Acupressure predates acupuncture and is described in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (dating back approximately 2300 BC) as one of the five major branches of medicine. Firm yet gentle pressure of fingers stimulate specific energy points to promote the body's natural energetic self-curative abilities.
Energy & Pathways
Theories vary on how or why, but scientist agree we are energy beings. To understand acupressure massage and acupuncture, imagine an invisible pathway system running throughout the body, similar to images of the circulatory or lymphatic systems except ENERGY flows thru the channels vs blood & lymph. Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TMC ) likens the human body to a highly complex electrical circuit and like any electrical circuit it must be kept in good working order if it is to function effectively. If the circuit breaks down, the result can become “dis-ease” within the body.
TCM belief is health is achieved by maintaining the body in a balanced state, that disease is due to an internal imbalance of yin and yang. This imbalance leads to blockage in the flow of energy or "ch'i" (pronounced “chee”, - meaning vital energy) along pathways known as meridians. TCM theory is that it is essential for ch'i, as well as blood, lymph and all body fluids to circulate in a continuous and unobstructed manner for good health of mind and body.
As mentioned, pathways or meridians are the channels through which energy flows throughout the body. The skin points used in acupressure lie along these meridians. They are spinning energy vortex entryways, openings or holes allowing access in and or out of the meridian channels. These points are the gateways to influence, redirect, increase, or decrease the body’s vital substances including blood and ch'i thus aiding in correcting many of the body’s imbalances.
~Enjoy and shine brightly!