Hydrating & Nourishing
***SKIN ***
Face & Body
Ive been creating this lotion for many years solely for use on my clients during
their sessions. So many have asked me to bottle it, so I did. I use a base lotion free of junk. I
add a blend of amazing oils and essential oils known for their skin benefits. Enjoy!
Base lotion includes; aloe gel, coconut, sesame, baobab,
jojoba oil and Pure Ayurvedic Kumkumadi oil. Skin health
promoting essential oils such as; carrot seed oil,
frankencense, rose, myrrh, geranium and more!
SpotTest for sensitivities.
4oz Bottle: $40
"My skin is starting to dry up again and now I KNOW the difference between plain ole store bought lotion and
YOUR MAGICAL POTION! I've been scraping the bottom of your bottle. I need more! ~Mabby P.
"This lotion is really lovely, I can see the difference in my skin and it smells so good!" ~Deb T.
"I had a bad reaction to a mosquito bite and the lotion healed it up fast!" ~Ann C.
I LOVE this lotion. Its so luxurious! ~Debbie B.
***SKIN ***
Face & Body
Ive been creating this lotion for many years solely for use on my clients during
their sessions. So many have asked me to bottle it, so I did. I use a base lotion free of junk. I
add a blend of amazing oils and essential oils known for their skin benefits. Enjoy!
Base lotion includes; aloe gel, coconut, sesame, baobab,
jojoba oil and Pure Ayurvedic Kumkumadi oil. Skin health
promoting essential oils such as; carrot seed oil,
frankencense, rose, myrrh, geranium and more!
SpotTest for sensitivities.
4oz Bottle: $40
"My skin is starting to dry up again and now I KNOW the difference between plain ole store bought lotion and
YOUR MAGICAL POTION! I've been scraping the bottom of your bottle. I need more! ~Mabby P.
"This lotion is really lovely, I can see the difference in my skin and it smells so good!" ~Deb T.
"I had a bad reaction to a mosquito bite and the lotion healed it up fast!" ~Ann C.
I LOVE this lotion. Its so luxurious! ~Debbie B.